Liberty Station in San Diego Travel Guide

Best Point Loma Surfing Spots

William Shatner, the actor who played Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek, appreciates a surfing metaphor. He’s quoted as saying “I’m surfing the giant life wave”. Among being an actor, writer, recording artist, he is also a southern California resident, and knows a thing or two about surf culture.

If you’re looking for great San Diego surfing, read this guide to the best surf spots near Point Loma, San Diego.

Point Loma San Diego Surfing

For a great surfing location, Point Loma has little in the way of beaches. In addition to amazing waves, there are vantage points to view the San Diego Bay and the ocean. Take a trip to the Cabrillo National Monument at the furthest tip of Point Loma for the best views.

This is also a point where you can access amazing tide pools and see the Point Loma Lighthouse. Spend some time here looking out over the ocean and the fierce coastline. You may see gray whales, too.

After a day of surfing, take a little time to watch the sunset.


Located on the east side of the Point Loma point, Ralphs is accessed by boat only, and is a world class surf spot for experienced surfers.

While it is typically a busy surf-spot, it is definitely still worth the visit due to having some of the highest quality waves in the region.

As a bonus, keep an eye out for Navy aircraft carriers coming into San Diego!

New Break, Subs, and Abs

Point Loma Nazarene University is home to several of San Diego’s best waves. New Break and Sub Bowls, or Subs, are consistently breaking surfing spots in Point Loma. From the beach, Subs is to the right and New Break is to the left. It’s a careful walk down the cliff from the carpark.

Subs breaks nearer to the shore and New Break is a little further out. Subs is a right, preferred by surfers who like to turn right and New Break is a left. You can ride both waves to either the right or the left.

Just north of Subs and New Break is another break called Abs.

Garbage Beach

Park at Ladera Street and Cornish Drive in the parking lot at Sunset Cliffs Natural Park. Access to Garbage Reef is down a cliff path. You’ll scale a well-traveled path with the help of a rope.

After your journey down to the water’s edge, you’ll appreciate why others have gone before you. Despite the name, there’s no garbage and the views are stunning.

When you’re ready to catch a wave, there’s a good channel for you to paddle out. Garbage is broken up into two primary breaks, north and south. North garbage produces long rights with a fast left. South garbage produces long lefts and good rights.


A little north of Garbage Reef is Luscomb’s Point. To access Luscomb’s, some jump off the point in to the water with their board, but most walk down the cliff side. The break here is to the left.

There’s a tiny beach near there too. After a rest on the beach, it’s time to get out to the waves again. Just out from that beach is another break.

Check Out All Point Loma Has To Offer

In addition to the amazing surfing, Point Loma has many other options for fun activities.

Thinking about living in Point Loma? Contact us today to learn more!

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